Saturday, December 08, 2007

Best steampunk rocket design EVER!

Not many people know this, but the space race was started by the French in the late 19th century!

At one point in his career, writer/inventor/pro kickboxer Jules Verne commissioned Alexandre Gustave Eiffel and his army of mutant spiders to build him a rocket that, if finished, would have put the French on the moon. Which would have made them impossible to live with. Wait - they're already impossible to live with! Well, never mind.

But anyway, the project was ultimately abandoned due to financial reasons, and the Eiffel tower ended up as the landing beacon for aliens, as we now know it to be.

No, really!


Le Nootilus said...

Another theory stated that Gustave Eiffel was commissioned by the mayor of Paris to create something amazing for the 1900 international fair. Eiffel suggested a project to build giant letters that spelled the word "PARIS" all through the city. Due to the cost of the project, the mayor asked him to choose only one letter...

Actually you might know that the original project was to build a total of 5 towers, 4 shaping a square and the last one in its center, a big higher than the other. Then, a giant piece of fabric could have been set to cover the whole city. This project, almost as nuts as the previous I wrote up here was actually... real :)

Lukas Mariman said...

LOL! Reality can be stranger than fiction, indeed.