Thursday, October 04, 2007

Let's dance safely!

Here's an (in my view, anyway) oddity from the 80's. I don't know very much about the group "Men Without Hats", or the meaning behind this song, or the clip, but I've always found it intriguing.

I'm not sure what though. I always found the singer interesting; he looks permanently pissed off about things, which is a trait I can surely admire, since I am myself permanently pissed off about certain things! But I digress...

There's an interesting anachronistic contrast in the very 80's synth music versus the medieval surroundings we see in the clip. Remember that movie "A Knight's Tale"? This clip, and the song, would have fitted in perfectly!

1 comment:

Walker Ferox said...

One of my friends in the 80's was obsessed with the girl in this video and called and wrote letters to all the music video stations trying to find a way to contact her. Fortunately he never did and I'm sure she ended up living a very happy life because of it.