Saturday, September 09, 2006

Blame ze French!

I would like to take a moment to intensely blame the French.

I find them very annoying because:

  1. They speak French! Most irritating, that.
  2. They live in France! Which means they occupy a lot of otherwise perfectly fine land.
  3. They persuaded the People of Walloon to speak French too, wich is a pain in the... neck, since that means I have trouble figuring out what the hell those damn Walloons want anyway!
  4. They replaced Dragon Ball Z's intro song with a horrible French kiddies song. I have never forgiven them for that! Damn you, Club Dorothée!!!!
  5. They replace ALL TV series' intros with French songs. Those b*st*rds!!!
  6. They tend to be weird. Anyone who idolises Jerry Lewis is weird. Oh yes.
  7. See point no. 6

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