Thursday, September 13, 2007

Angriest dude EVER!

I guess everyone knows who Leonidas was by now. Even the average school kid who generally knows jack about history! Or about what is supposed to be common knowledge . Or geography. Anyway...

So Leo was this cool dude desperately in need of some serious anger management, who lead an elite force of 300 Spartans to stop the invading forces of the Persians.

A little known fact is that Leo did NOT die, but rather lived another 2000 years, and decided to start a chain of chocolate shops in Belgium!

So whenever you visit one of these shops, don't mention the Persians. He still gets worked up over that.

All together now:


1 comment:

Walker Ferox said...

When I want chocolate I want it dangerous. With abs. And in no more than 300 pieces. Dangerous Chocolate...yum.